Facebook mobile ad network to arrive by the end of the month?

by Mark Tyson on 21 April 2014, 11:12

Tags: Facebook, Google (NASDAQ:GOOG), PC

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Facebook is readying itself to launch a mobile advertising network at the end of this month, according to a new report on Re/Code. The often quoted "multiple sources familiar with the matter," told the tech news and analysis site that the new ad network would be revealed at Facebook's F8 developer conference in San Francisco which kicks off on 30th April.

Re/Code previously reported upon Facebook testing the showing of ads in third party apps in January. At that time FB trialled selling adverts in other companies mobile apps like the ones it shows in its own properties. Apparently the amount of money it is making from its own mobile ads has now reached the critical mass where it demands development time to enable the system for third parties.

In Facebook's most recent earnings report, a couple of months back, mobile advertising revenue accounted for $1.25 billion, which is more than half of all its advertising income. So it does look like Zuckerberg's declaration that Facebook is a "mobile company" at the start of the New Year in 2013 did prove to be correct by the end of the year.

Install now ads are a winnning format

Being able to make money from its users, even when they aren't on Facebook, will be a big new opportunity to earn for Facebook but will also pit it against Google's AdMob and Apple's iAd mobile advertising platforms as well as a new MoPub based challenger from Twitter.

Mobile ad sales increased 105 per cent over the last year to rake in $17.9 billion reports CNet. The market is expected to experience another bumper rise this year, to around $31 billion.

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Sounds like another reason I'm glad to not be using Facebook.
How greedy can you get?
That's ridiculous, who gets 23 notifications?
The ads already piss me off with their intrusiveness as it is. Wish I could delete Fb, but I need it for University and career commitments.
people still use facebook…