Review: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

by Nick Haywood on 24 June 2005, 00:00

Tags: Grand theft auto san andreas, Rockstar Games (NASDAQ:TTWO), Xbox 360, PS3, Action/Adventure

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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

”Yo dawg, I’m down wit’ ma homies… jill.” No, we haven’t got a clue what Nick Haywood is on about either, we keep him quiet with GTA: San Andreas.

If you haven’t heard of the Grand Theft Auto series by now then there’s something seriously wrong with you. Already a massive best seller across every platform, GTA’s humble beginnings were as a 2D, top down action arcade game where stealing cars and killing people were the main aim. Superbly infuriating the tabloid press with the gratuitous violence, GTA was a hit from the moment of release, spawning an expansion pack and a sequel before making the move to 3D with GTA 3… and from there the game exploded in popularity to give us GTA: Vice City and now GTA: San Andreas.

For me, the defining movie of the whole ‘gansta’ era of movies was South Central LA… sure, you can disagree with me and the film was definitely way too soppy in parts but, for me, it captured the whole gangland culture of LA perfectly… GTA:SA, following on from the timeline first started with GTA: Vice City (set in the 80’s), is set in a fictional West Coast city and tries to capture that same essence of gangland respect, drive by shootings, drugs and hookers. But is GTA:SA any good or has the franchise run it’s course?