Microsoft announces Windows 10 Creators Update, 3D for everyone

by Mark Tyson on 27 October 2016, 10:01

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Windows 10

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Last night Microsoft announced the Windows 10 Creators Update which it has tooled-up to "bring 3D for everyone". The scope of 3D for everyone includes viewing, capturing, creating and sharing. This software update is scheduled to arrive early 2017 and as well as integrating creative 3D software (like Paint 3D and Remix 3D), will facilitate mixed reality experiences, help provide better 4K gaming experiences, intro new game broadcasting tech, and provide "a faster way to connect with the people that matter most" via 'MyPeople'.

Windows 10 Creators Update will further enhance the utility and usability of the new Surface computers we saw last night. Dedicated 3D and mixed media apps aren't required as Microsoft will bring new 3D and inking capabilities to Office apps, including support for 3D in Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Good news for current Windows 10 users is that the update will be provided for free. Windows Insiders can preview select Windows 10 Creators Update early.

To help push the popularity of VR and mixed reality Microsoft has been cooperating with its PC hardware partners to help bring the cost of VR headsets down. It says that "the technology that powers mixed reality doesn’t have to be out of reach," and has the backing of the likes of HP, Dell, Lenovo, Asus, and Acer. We are told that a range of VR headsets starting at $299 will become available next year. All the new HMDs will include "innovative built-in sensor technology for more flexibility and easy, marker-free set-up," says Microsoft.

Microsoft promises further productivity, creativity, security and gaming features will be coming to the Windows 10 Creators Update next year. We should hear more about these extra features soon via Microsoft's blogs.

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£300 for a VR/AR headset? Sign me up, I bought a Rift, found it bad vfm, returned it and got a motorbike instead.