Press release
Yorkshire based Target Components, one of the UK's leading IT distributors announced today that they have agreed a deal with Team Group for exclusive UK distribution of the manufacturers' memory products.
Founded in 1994 Team Group is recognized as one of the leading memory brands in the Far East, with a wide product portfolio ranging from flash and value RAM to high end gaming and overclocking products.
Managing Director Paul Cubbage explained the strategy behind the deal "Our primary aim is to establish Team as a leading brand in the UK. We believe that the price to performance offering across the full range is second to none, outperforming leading brands and offering higher margins for resellers."
Team have invested substantially in the latest technology that enables them to produce extremely high quality products at very competitive prices. Overseas Sales Director, Ken Cho, believes that the exclusive deal with Target marks an exciting stage in the development of the Team brand. "We are delighted to work with Target and very excited at their plans to promote Team products in the UK"
The exclusive deal with Team is the latest development in Target's strategy for memory products following the appointment of memory specialist Mahmoud Madaci and Target's recent appointment as OCZ distributors.
Paul adds, "Memory has always been a strong product area for us, but we believe there is massive potential for growth. We have identified memory as one of our key focus areas this year, and we are already seeing our memory business at more than double last year's levels. We are becoming recognised in the channel as a leading supplier of memory products."