Financial support to the banking industry

Tags: HM Treasury

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Following discussions convened by HM Treasury, the following major UK banks and the largest building society have confirmed their participation in a Government-supported recapitalisation scheme.  These institutions comprise:

  • Abbey 
  • Barclays
  • HBOS
  • HSBC Bank plc
  • Lloyds TSB
  • Nationwide Building Society
  • Royal Bank of Scotland
  • Standard Chartered

These institutions have committed to the Government that they will increase their total Tier 1 capital by £25bn.  This is an aggregate increase and individual increases will vary from institution to institution.  In order to facilitate this process the Government is making available £25bn to be drawn on by these institutions if desired to assist in this process as preference share capital or PIBS and is also willing to assist in the raising of ordinary equity if requested to do so.  The above institutions have committed to the Government that this will be concluded by the end of the year.