Digital Britain – the future of communications

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Press release


An action plan to secure the UK's place at the forefront of innovation, investment and quality in the digital and communications industries will be developed by Stephen Carter, the first Minister for Communications, Technology and Broadcasting. 

Already a major force in the economy, worth over £52 billion a year, the digital and communication sectors are growing in significance as the country faces up to current financial and market challenges. Vital to underpinning global economic activity, they are critical to every business in our economy, acting both as a catalyst for creativity and allowing efficiency gains. And they have a major impact on our culture and quality of life.

Drawing on expertise from across Government, regulators and industry, Lord Carter's report will be a comprehensive analysis of our digital economy. Titled ‘Digital Britain', the work has at its core an ambition to accelerate the rate of growth, and cement the UK's position as a world leader in the knowledge and learning economy. To achieve this Stephen Carter will bring forward proposals for both Government and industry, to support the development of these critical sectors.

Stephen Carter said:

"Communications have been revolutionised in the last 20 years, with consumers and businesses alike embracing the opportunities and taking advantage of the reality of the new technologies."

He added: "Digital Britain is about capturing the opportunities on offer for UK PLC and the public, and advancing our standing as a world leader in these industries.

"Our ambition is to see Digital Britain as the leading major economy for innovation, investment and quality in the digital and communications industries. We will seek to bring forward a unified framework to help maximise the UK's competitive advantage and the benefits to society."

Stephen Carter's report will take forward and build on the wide-ranging work from Government, regulators and industry that already addresses issues around communications and convergence. It will bring together extensive expert analysis to develop a strategy for a fully digital Britain.

Culture Secretary Andy Burnham said:

"We need to move quickly if we are to maximise the benefits of convergence. Over the last year we've worked with experts to get a clear understanding of the issues to address and obstacles to overcome if our businesses and citizens are to take full advantage of technology. Now is the time to move from the think tank phase to the delivery phase and focus on the actions needed to bring benefits for both the economy and an enriched society. This is a change of gear by the Government, and the Digital Britain Report, led by Stephen, will be a key contribution to the digital future."

Secretary of State for Business Peter Mandelson said:

"The Government is determined that the UK will strengthen its place as a word leader in the communications and digital technology sectors. For the present financial and banking crisis, Britain must get through the worst and prepare for the upturn. The digital economy will be central to this. The digital Britain report will lead the way"