Digital Britain: The Interim Report - Government outlines plans for UK’s digital transition

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Press release

The Government has today published a plan to secure Britain's place at the forefront of the global digital economy. The interim report contains more than 20 recommendations, including specific proposals on:

  • next generation networks
  • universal access to broadband 
  • the creation of a second public service provider of scale
  • the modernisation of wireless radio spectrum holdings
  • a digital future for radio
  • a new deal for digital content rights
  • enhancing the digital delivery of public services

The Digital Britain Report underlines the importance of the communications sector, its crucial contribution to the economy and its role in building Britain's industrial future.

Business Secretary, Peter Mandelson said:

"This report sets out a strategy for building a knowledge economy where our most valuable assets are the skills and innovation that underpin our digital industries. This is absolutely vital if Britain is to benefit fully from some of the greatest economic opportunities on offer this century."

Culture Secretary Andy Burnham said:

"Britain has always led the world in content creation - with the best music, films and TV - and it is vital that we carry forward this strength into the digital age. This is a significant Report for the creative industries, taking steps to establish workable systems of copyright in an online age and to preserve choice of public service content. But it is only the beginning of the process and we need to work hard in the coming months to secure workable solutions."

The 22-point action plan outlines a programme of work with commitments to:

  • upgrade and modernise wired, wireless and broadcast infrastructure;
  • secure a dynamic investment climate for UK digital content and services; 
  • provide a range of high quality UK made public service content; 
  • ensure fairness and access, with universal availability and promotion of skills and media literacy; and 
  • develop the infrastructure, skills and take-up to enable widespread online delivery of public services.

In addition to specific commitments, the Interim Report outlines Britain's progress in building a digital market-place, while also setting priorities for industry engagement ahead of the publication of the final Digital Britain Report, due before the summer.

Stephen Carter the Minister for Communications, Technology and Broadcasting said:

"The innovation, creativity and vitality of our communications industries rightly demand clarity from Government on its role and a framework for the future."

He added:

"Delivering Digital Britain will depend upon a smart industry, working with a committed Government to produce lasting solutions."