Facebook founder states desire for independence amid Microsoft takeover rumours

by Scott Bicheno on 19 May 2008, 13:12

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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The plot thickens

Amid the still unresolved matter of Microhoo, there are now rumours surfacing on the web that Yahoo!, or more specifically its search business, is just part of Microsoft’s cunning plan to take on Google in the Web 2.0 era.

Reuters has reported that Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg was questioned about the possible acquisition of Facebook by Microsoft at a Japanese launch event.

He declined to comment directly on the speculation but did say: “You can tell, from our history and what we've done, that we really wanted to keep the company independent, by focusing on building and focusing on the long-term.”

Meanwhile, a former Microsoft employee and well-known blogger has speculated that, not only does Microsoft intend to buy Facebook, but has some pretty full-on plans for what it plans to do with it. The story also has this excellent cartoon, which just about sums up the compulsion of the web 2.0 participant.


Lastly, it looks like Facebook is planning its first major overhaul since its launch in 2004. Apparently the aim is to declutter the site a bit and make it easier to ignore the increasing amounts of Facebook spam that bombard the beleaguered user. You can see it for yourself here.

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