Ballmer gets egged by Hungarian student

by Scott Bicheno on 20 May 2008, 10:18

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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Ovoid outrage

A form of direct protest usually reserved for politicians was inflicted on Microsoft head honcho Steve Ballmer yesterday as he gave a talk at a Budapest university.

A member of the audience stood up, muttered some reasonably half-hearted protest and then proceeded to limply lob a few eggs at the clearly unimpressed Ballmer.

It was all rather surreal as Ballmer cowered behind a desk while the audience politely stood up to let the ovoid militant leave the auditorium as if he was just going to the toilet or something. Surely the whole thing couldn’t have been stage managed, could it?

Anyway, now Ballmer can compare notes with the man whose shoes he is filling – Bill Gates – who was cream-pied rather more effectively in Brussels ten years ago.

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poor ballmer. a few uncompetitive business practices, and you get attacked with poultry periods!

the pic :laugh:

im surprised he didnt retaliate by throwing a chair at the egg guy
Should have been throwing bananas :)
im surprised he didnt retaliate by throwing a chair at the egg guy

I'm surprised he didn't retaliate by buying out the university and forcing them to use Vista on all their computers.