Channel gives its verdict on trade show

by Scott Bicheno on 23 May 2008, 13:05

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Could do better

Contrary to initial impressions, the word on the floor at the latest IT trade show is that it continued the long-term trend of declining numbers at what was once a highlight of the UK IT channel calendar.

There have been a number of changes of ownership over the past few years but none of them, of which the latest is Incisive Media, have been able to turn its fortunes around.

Walking around the show, the general theme of conversation was that while there was still business to be done there, there was disappointment at both the number of exhibitors and visitors.

We spoke to a few attendees do get their take.

Mike Hoffman, owner of Drum Brae Solutions and ITACS committee member. “It’s a bit smaller and quieter than last year but there is a bit more focus and business is being done. I’ve seen a maturing of service offerings, especially managed services.”

Dave Everitt, AMD Live! evangelist, AMD. “It’s not been the rush that we’ve seen in past years but we love it because it’s where we get to speak to the independents. It’s nice to have a touch-point.”

Andrew Ditchburn, European product manager, Foxconn. “It’s been alright. It seems to get slower every year but it’s really important to us as a way of meeting resellers we wouldn’t see otherwise. This year it was also useful for publicising Quantum Force.”

Matthew Poyadgi, VP EMEA, CompTIA. “Where last year the show was more retail focused, we’re meeting a lot more SMB resellers and there is more of a business emphasis this year.”

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