Full Foxconn Quantum Force line up on show

by Scott Bicheno on 3 June 2008, 02:54

Tags: Foxconn (TPE:2317)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qanjb

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Feel the force

Foxconn spoke to HEXUS.channel recently to announce its commitment to build a retail brand in the form of Quantum Force.

This family of overclockable boards is targeted at the enthusiast market and has seen three products launched in close succession.

Blackops is based on the Intel X48 chipset, Destroyer on the NVIDIA 780a SLI chipset and Dreadnought on the NVIDIA 790i Ultra SLI chipset.

There was also an early showing for the latest member: Avenger, which is Foxconn's Intel P45 chipset based board and features a height adjustable fan for the northbridge and an overclocking control panel that fits into the chassis.




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