Disklabs creates data recovery trade association

by Scott Bicheno on 3 April 2009, 11:42

Tags: Disklabs

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qarqd

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HC: Who else is involved?

SS: We currently have about 30 members. Some of them are listed on the directory, (they have to do this themselves). Members are from around the world, including China, USA, Canada, Mexico, UK, Russia.

HC: Who is on the committee?

SS: On the committee at the moment, its just 3 people. Myself, Mike Montgomery from MJM Data Recovery and Richard Cuthbertson from Xytron Data Recovery. All are based in the UK. Our aim is to get 12 members to ensure total autonomy.

HC: What qualifies a company or individual for each level of membership?

SS: http://www.ipdra.org/data_recovery_membership.html

It appears that the vested interest for Disklabs is to protect the reputation of its industry and thus itself. Proper peer review within an industry seems to be one of the most effective ways of keeping it honest and efficient and if the IPDRA remains fully transparent, there's no reason why it can't achieve its stated aims.

In the name of peer review, however, it's not for HEXUS.channel to endorse this new association or otherwise. We urge readers to see for themselves and share their thoughts in the HEXUS.community discussion forums. We'll ensure your comments are brought to Steggles' attention.


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Without having looked into it more deeply, I like the sound of it a lot. In fact, I think there are plenty of areas in IT where this model could be taken on. Having been on both sides of data recovery I'm aware of all the pitfalls, and certainly next time I'm looking to contract data recovery services at work I'll be giving the IPDRA a lot more attention.