Logitech buys Slim Devices for $20 million

by Bob Crabtree on 19 October 2006, 13:15

Tags: Slim Devices, Logitech (NASDAQ:LOGI)

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The news

Slim Devices' CEO Sean Adams announced yesterday in the company's support forums that it has been acquired by keyboard-and-mouse giant Logitech. The privately-owned firm makes widely-respected (if not widely sold) network media players, most notably the Squeezebox family and the Transporter. According to Logitech, it's paying $20 million cash, "plus a possible performance-based payment, tied to reaching certain future revenue targets".

Sean, though, glossed over the mucky business of money in his posting, saying,

I am pleased to announce that Logitech is acquiring Slim Devices, and I am glad to have the opportunity to share the news here in our forum before the official press release goes out.

We have been building a relationship with Logitech for quite some time. As we got to know their executive team, it became clear that there was a compelling opportunity for us to work together to bring Slim Devices’ products to the mainstream market. As you may know, Logitech recently launched the Wireless DJ music system, and also produces Harmony remote controls, which many of our customers already use with their Squeezeboxes.

This is an opportunity for us to introduce Squeezebox and Transporter more quickly to a lot more people. Slim Devices will benefit from Logitech’s brand, their retail channel, their expertise in developing quality hardware, and their existing portfolio of complementary products such as speakers and remotes. Logitech believes this will be a fast growing segment of their business, and we are looking forward to making that happen.

One of the most exciting things about this opportunity is Logitech’s enthusiasm for our open development model, and the way we collaborate as a community to improve our products. We plan to expand this model as we continue to develop great new software and hardware. SlimServer will continue to be available free of change under the GPL, and we will participate in these forums in much the same way.

All of our employees have accepted new employment offers, and we will remain in our Mountain View location. Dean, Patrick and I expect to stay for the foreseeable future.

I’ll be here on the forums if you have any questions, and as always, welcome your feedback and ideas.

Best regards,


Check out Logitech's press release on page two and let us know in this thread in the HEXUS.lifestyle.news forum whether you think this is good or bad for lovers of Slim Devices' devices.


HEXUS.community :: discussion thread about this article
HEXUS.lifestyle.reviews :: Slim Devices Squeezebox 3 Wi-Fi Network Music Player
HEXUS.lifestyle.press.releases :: Slim Devices 3rd generation Squeezebox open-source-based network music player


Slim Devices - Sean Adams' posting about the takeover
Slim Devices - home page
Logitech - home page