Simms MD calls it a day

by Scott Bicheno on 16 October 2008, 14:29

Tags: Simms

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A year is a long time in distribution. Too long it seems for Alex Tatham, who was appointed MD of Kent based memory specialist distributor Simms last November and is already moving on. contacted Simms to find out more and was given this official statement:

"Simms International founder Andrew Henderson will resume the role of Managing Director resulting in Alex Tatham leaving the company.

"As widely published Simms embarked on an aggressive growth strategy which in the current financial climate Andrew and Alex are in total agreement to, at very least, put on hold until there is greater certainty in the market.

"Alex's contribution to Simms since he joined has been massive especially appointing new vendors, and Simms will miss his enthusiastic style of management.

Andrew and Alex will work together to ensure there is an effective handover ensuring both vendors and customers are not adversely affected by this change."


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Who? :O_o1:
Who? :O_o1:

ditto… i've never even heard of them :o

it's like immortalgamng all over again :laugh:
:laugh: i have no idea who these people are
Its another one of those articles about people we have never heard of before.

also in the “news” …

David Frost attends London film gala

Thanks for commenting - is a b2b and channel focused publication and thus stories, such as this - or re other distributors are key to our audience we attract.

We will no doubt have a piece going up soon which will explain the importance to you, as a consumer of the channel and distributors.