Nokia sues Apple over iPhone

by Scott Bicheno on 22 October 2009, 15:47

Tags: Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL), Nokia (NYSE:NOK)

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Apple scrumping

Nokia, the Finnish mobile phone handset giants, reckons Apple is using some of its intellectual property (IP) concerning the GSM and UMTS wireless communications standards, as well as some wireless LAN technology.

Apple, it is alleged, is refusing to compensate Nokia adequately for its use of this technology, so Nokia has filed a complaint against Apple in the District Court of Delaware, covering claimed infringement of ten patents.

"The basic principle in the mobile industry is that those companies who contribute in technology development to establish standards create intellectual property, which others then need to compensate for," said Ilkka Rahnasto, VP of legal & IP at Nokia.

"Apple is also expected to follow this principle. By refusing to agree appropriate terms for Nokia's intellectual property, Apple is attempting to get a free ride on the back of Nokia's innovation." 

The patents cover wireless data, speech coding, security and encryption and Nokia reckons they're infringed by all Apple iPhone models shipped since the iPhone was introduced in 2007. It will be interesting to see what Apple has to say about this.


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i hope nokia get as much as they can!

About b****y time.
Or more like, Nokia is up poo creek minus paddle, and needs to fashion one quickly from driftwood..
If you can't beat them, sue them.