Intel hires antitrust specialist as new general counsel

by Sylvie Barak on 16 November 2009, 09:09

Tags: Intel (NASDAQ:INTC)

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Long history of antitrust troubles

Melamed might also want to study up on the long history of antitrust battles between Intel and its smaller rival AMD, with the bad blood between the two chip makers going way back to the first time AMD initiated antitrust proceedings against Intel in 1991.

AMD had filed its case in the District Court of the Northern District of California, but luckily for Intel, that case was settled in 1992 in its favour.

Then, in 2000, AMD filed a complaint with the European Commission accusing Intel of violating anti-monopoly rules in Europe. AMD also asked the District Court of Northern California to force Intel to produce over 60,000 pages of documentation to the European Commission. The court refused and AMD appealed.

In 2002, the Ninth Circuit reversed the decision of the District Court and Intel appealed. In 2004, the U.S. Supreme Court got involved, ruling that U.S. federal courts were authorised but not required to force a company to submit documents to foreign jurisdictions. The Court remanded the case back to District Court, which promptly denied AMD's request.

Not giving up, in 2005 AMD filed an antitrust suit against Intel in both the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware and in Japan, whilst in 2006 the firm also filed a complaint against Intel with Germany's Federal Cartel Office.

In 2007 the European Commission agreed with AMD and charged Intel with antitrust violations, and of paying suppliers not to use AMD processors.