Kodak all clear to sell patents... however it has a tough choice

by Alistair Lowe on 31 July 2012, 15:00

Tags: Kodak, Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL), Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Google (NASDAQ:GOOG), Samsung (005935.KS), HTC (TPE:2498), LG Electronics (066570.KS)

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Kodak hasn't had it easy, filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy last year, suffering setbacks in ongoing patent cases, where the firm has attempted to assert its digital camera patents, primarily on the cameras that are featured in smartphones today.

The firm, which is now looking to exit the digital camera business, has been granted the right to sell 1,100 of its patents, which it is valuing at £1.66 billion, though, analysts believe the actual value to be somewhat lower, given that these patents don't cover any truly core technology.

As in previous buyouts, there is a dividing fence between this list of potential buyers, with Apple, Microsoft and patent troll, Intellectual Ventures on one side and, with Google, Samsung, HTC, LG and RPX on the other. Previously, Apple and Microsoft won patents from Nortel Networks, shelling up an excessive £2.86 billion as competition bubbled-up.

Whether bidding will become so heated this time around remains to be seen, however, with Apple recently suing Kodak and refusing to pay royalties on existing patents, it'll be interesting to see if any under-the-table deals emerge as a result, bidding begins on the 8th.

HEXUS Forums :: 6 Comments

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Should the title “Tough Choise” be “Tough Choice”?
It's French - it means ‘tough choice’…*

…Apple, Microsoft and patent troll, Intellectual Ventures on one side…
Should be:
…patent trolls Apple, Microsoft and Intellectual Ventures on one side…
If we're going to be honest. IV has nothing on Apple for filing BS patents and lawsuits, and Microsoft had the nerve to threaten just about every company who uses embedded Linux, and gagged them from divulging details of the claim to the public.
“Intellectual Ventures”

I read that as Intellectual Vultures, dyslexia can sometimes be fun!
The Mrs had a Kodak digital camera once. It wasn't cheap and it broke really quickly. We sent it back to Kodak and it came back worse!

No wonder they're exiting the business.