A win for sensibility… a loss for Jack Thompson

by Nick Haywood on 21 June 2006, 20:13

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ESA and EMA team up to halt bill

Further to our piece about Jack Thompson’s Louisiana games law earlier this week, the proposal which was signed into law has now been blocked by the District Court pending the hearing of a lawsuit brought against the bill by the ESA (Entertainment Software Association) and EMA (Entertainment Merchants Association).

The ESA and EMA have had success against previous similar laws being passed in other states, most recently Michigan, and they are optimistic over succeeding this time too. Said EMA president Bo Andersen:

"The Louisiana law suffers from the same constitutional defects as the Michigan law and the five other video game laws that have been enjoined on constitutional grounds. It will meet the same fate, and the taxpayers of Louisiana will end up having to pay for the legislature's reckless gamble."

We’ll keep you posted as things develop.

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