Apple seeks $2bn from Samsung in new patent infringement battle

by Mark Tyson on 31 March 2014, 11:00

Tags: Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL), Google (NASDAQ:GOOG), Samsung (005935.KS), PC

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Tech giant Apple has officially started yet another patent battle with smartphone market leader Samsung Electronics. The new case kicks off in a San Jose courtroom this week, this time dragging Google into the picture as Apple seeks $2bn in damages, according to the Guardian.

Systematic copying

Samsung is being accused of systematically copying the iPhone's features. Thus Apple is demanding that Samsung pay a huge $40 royalty for each allegedly infringing device. With Samsung selling one in three of all smartphones last year, if Apple prevails, the sum will rack up to more than five times the amount sought in previous trials.

Google is expected to be dragged into the crossfire this time around as Samsung claims that the software allegedly conceived by Apple in fact originated from Android OS. The list of asserted patents includes ones for hyperlinking, Siri's universal search abilities, background syncing of data, auto-complete and slide-to-unlock.

Google engineers, including former Android Chief Andy Rubin who is also listed as a potential witness, are expected to take the stand and testify during the trail where Samsung will use the testimonials to prove that it licensed four out of the five software features (besides slide-to-unlock). It states that these are Android features and Google was already working on the technologies before Apple filed for its patents.

Apple claims in documents submitted to the court that it "revolutionised the market in personal computing devices." Turning to its foe; "Samsung, in contrast, has systematically copied Apple's innovative technology and products, features and designs, and has deluged markets with infringing devices."

Tit for tat

The South Korean company is also countersuing Apple for infringing two of its own patents, including a wireless technology system which speeds up data transfer, stating "Samsung has been a pioneer in the mobile device business sector since the inception of the mobile device industry. Apple has copied many of Samsung's innovation in its Apple iPhone, iPod and iPad products."

The original 'Appsung' patent lawsuit between the two companies which covered older devices concluded with Samsung being ordered to pay $930 million in damages. It is currently appealing the decision and is still allowed to sell the infringing devices for the time being.

HEXUS Forums :: 38 Comments

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More petty posturing and lawyers trying to justify their own salaries. Wish they'd all quit it.
How convenient the court case is being held right in the same area as the Apple HQ.

Sounds like US trade protectionalism in action.
Apple yet again trying to claim they are the only ones allowed to make a smartphone.

What utter dog turd. Yet again the price of everyones new handsets won't be as cheap as they could be due to more millions in legal fees. This alone is why people should should boycott apple.
Tech giant Apple has officially started yet another patent battle with smartphone market leader Samsung Electronics
What … the … :censored:! Idiotic :wallbash: bunch :wallbash: of :wallbash: stupid, :wallbash:, brain-dead, :wallbash: intellectually-challenged, :wallbash:, immoral, :wallbash: :censored:ing cretins :wallbash:
Google is expected to be dragged into the crossfire this time around as Samsung claims that the software allegedly conceived by Apple in fact originated from Android OS. The list of asserted patents includes ones for hyperlinking, Siri's universal search abilities, background syncing of data, auto-complete and slide-to-unlock.
Either I've got the strongest deja-vu or isn't this exactly the same crock of :censored: that Apple tried on with their last extortion attempt? :vacant: And I'm very unimpressed that they've decided to go after Samsung specifically (presumably playing the “protecting US jobs” card - I agree with Cat) rather than Google. After all, if they managed to “get” Google then surely they'd be entitled to their blood money from all the Android manufacturers rather than just one?

Not that I'm going to claim for one microsecond that Samsung haven't been guilty of “leveraging” some other peoples design features. But then again so have Apple in the past, so it's a bit bleedin' late for them suddenly to want to respect IP - or is it a case that their IP is the only one with value and merit?

I used to respect Apple as a genuinely innovative leader in design, and a company I'd be happy to buy some pretty nifty products from. Now, on the other hand, they're just trolls living on past glories - barely different from those utter reprehensible “Intellectual Property” companies who produce nowt but lawsuits. How the once-mighty have fallen… :(

Ah well, looks like I'll be buying a Cowon X5 after all, and putting my two iPod's (Video and Nano) in for gadget recycling.
Once again I'm feeling the urge to sue Apple for $2bn due to the emotional and mental distress inflicted on me by having to read about its latest baseless lawsuit.