SCAN launches innovative component installation insurance

by Scott Bicheno on 17 April 2009, 16:06

Tags: SCAN

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Taking the fear out of PC building

The growth of the DIY PC industry is one statistic that often gets overlooked when the supposed demise of the desktop is reported. However, the desktop PC component industry doesn't look like going away anytime soon and tech etailers still seem to make a decent living out of selling them.

Bolton based SCAN reckons the self-build market could be bigger yet, however, and is hoping that taking the fear out building your own PC will encourage a lot more people to give it a try.

With that in mind it introduced a new insurance product on all its components (as opposed to complete systems and consumer electronics products) yesterday, which is designed to protect its customers if they damage a component while installing it.

The insurance is called Scansure. You can read SCAN's explanation of it here, but it's essentially a policy that covers your component for 28 days after you receive it against the kind of damage you might incur when trying to install it into a system. The cost of the premium seems to be typically 2.35 percent of the purchase, but this will vary according to the risks associated with the component in question.

As with any such insurance policy there are exclusions and other Ts and Cs (a link to which is provided on the Scansure page) but, speaking exclusively to, SCAN director Elan Raja insisted this is very different from the kind of extended warranty upselling you often see from electronics retailers.