Review: Intel 'Paxville' Xeon DP 2.8GHz

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 3 January 2006, 07:16

Tags: Intel (NASDAQ:INTC)

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HEXUS Platform Tests

We'll spare you the misery of a long explanation for each of the following benchmarks. Instead, we'll briefly comment where needed, and sum it all up more concisely in the conclusion

Kribibench v1.1

Realstorm 2004

Just a quick note that the unmodified 32-bit binary for Realstorm is some 20% faster under XP 64-bit, than the 32-bit version of that OS.

Cinebench 2003

We use the native 64-bit version of Cinebench 2003 here. It supports any number of processors and scales just fine to the 8 available with HT on, on the Paxville system. However it's slower with HT on, and the system is also much slower than the Opteron 280 system by comparison.

picCOLOR v4.0

We use a native 64-bit version of picCOLOR that uses four threads of execution for a few of its functions, with two-processor multithreading elsewhere. The 8 'CPUs' of the Paxville system with HT on is a large performance loss in picCOLOR. Even with HT off, the Paxville DP box is a good 35% slower than the Opteron system in this image processing benchmark. Incidentally, 8.08 is the fastest picCOLOR score yet seen at HEXUS, besting the previous best (7.66) of Armari's Opteron 875 demo system (only two CPUs, though).