CES 2008 :: Samsung Press Conference

by Nick Haywood on 7 January 2008, 14:49

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Mad monitor stuff

Next up in the list of new kit is the SC-HMX20C Progressive HD Flash-based Camcorder, which features full HD and a1080p mode with 30 frames-per-second recording capability wrapped up in a small and easy to use package.

The SC-HMX20C features a 6.4-megapixel CMOS with electronic image stabilization so even action-packed scenes can be captured with, what Samsung say, is unsurpassed clarity. Featuring an HDMI-CEC (Anynet+) high-quality connection to HDTVs such as the new series 7 HDTVs from Samsung, which is handy.

Click for larger image

Even cooler though is the high speed capture and super slow motion playback. The SC-HMX20C allows you to record fast motion at 300 frames per second for up to 10 seconds and then drastically slow down the playback of the recording. And if 10 seconds sounds a bit short, just imagine how long that really is… especially if you’re capturing really fast moving stuff.

But I’ve saved the maddest product for last, the Samsung SyncMaster 2263DX which is a 22” monitor with an additional 7” monitor tagged on the side. Now Samsung reckon that this is for those of us who need some more screen space but perhaps haven’t the room for an extra monitor.

Click for larger image

That’s fine but I’m kinda at a loss to see how a 7” screen is going to give you an effective increase in monitor acreage. It’s just not enough… but on the upside, it will stop you window hopping back and forth so much… provided you run a smallish app in there.

Click for larger image

But the cool thing is the extra screen on the SyncMaster 2263DX doesn’t need to be hooked up to another video output on your graphics card as it pulls the source from the main screen… and you can use it separate from the main screen on it’s own connecting it via USB. Which is kinda neat.

Check back soon for more from CES 2008.

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