Apple cuts price of 1GB iPod shuffle, makes way for 2GB model

by Parm Mann on 20 February 2008, 14:11

Tags: iPod shuffle, Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL)

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Apple shuffles iPod shuffle

Head over to the UK Apple Store today and you'll find the 1GB iPod shuffle selling at a new retail price of £32 (inc. VAT), down from its previous price of £45.

If you didn't know already, the shuffle is the smallest iPod available at just half a cubic inch in volume. It weighs about half an ounce and is available in silver, blue, green, purple and a (PRODUCT) RED special edition.

If 1GB seems a little small for you, you'll be happy to know a 2GB model is now just around the corner. It'll be available from the Apple Store later this month and will retail at £45. See, the 1GB price drop all makes sense now.

Greg Joswiak, Apple’s vice president of Worldwide iPod Product Marketing said:

"At just £32 (inc VAT), the iPod shuffle is the most affordable iPod ever. The new 2GB model lets music lovers bring even more songs everywhere they go in the impossibly small iPod shuffle".

It is a handy saving for a capable player, but rival Creative's 1GB Zen Stone is available from for £24.99. Additionally, Creative's 2GB Zen Stone is only £34.99 - and it comes with a free armband. Another price cut please Apple?

Official press release: iPod shuffle Now Just £32 (inc VAT)

Apple store:

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