CEDIA Expo - HP HDTV will connect to PCs

by Bob Crabtree on 21 September 2005, 00:00

Tags: 3Com

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HP to deliver DIRECT access to multimedia PC content from a TV set! Due summer 2006

HP should next year introduce a range of High Definition TV (HDTV) sets with built in network media players. This means users will be able to enjoy the multimedia content on their networked PCs from their living room. Video, stills and MP3s stored on your PC will also be viewable on the planned HDTVs by WiFi or Ethernet connection. Internet multimedia services will also be accessible on the new sets.

Steve Nigro, HP's senior vice president and general manager, Imaging and Printing Technology Platforms, said, "By creating even smarter HDTVs, HP will help consumers access digital content over the Internet or content that was previously quarantined on the PC. Now that content will be readily available through the heart of home entertainment - the TV.”

Users will have to use HP software, included with the new sets, to serve out their digital content over the network, and create databases of media content on their PCs. They’ll then be able to use their TVs' remote handsets to pick what media they'll watch or listen to – or connect with internet multimedia services.

More information about the products mentioned above is available in an online press kit at http://www.hp.com/go/cedia2005

Read the full press release, and join in the discussion, here.

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