Kodak extends line of pocket camcorders with 1080p-capable Zi8

by Parm Mann on 29 July 2009, 12:16

Tags: Zi8, Kodak

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Kodak already has itself a couple of ultra-compact camcorders, but it's upping its game by joining the 1080p scene today with the all-new Zi8.

The camcorder, pictured below, will be available with a red, blue or black finish, and is capable of recording video at 1080p resolutions.

We liked the sound of the similar Samsung HMX-U10 announced earlier this month, but we reckon Kodak's unit is the better looking of the two.

New to the Zi8 is a larger 2.5in LCD screen, built-in face tracking, and an electronic image stabiliser that Kodak claims should help minimise the motion blur that tends to plague such small devices. Elsewhere, there's support for SD memory cards of up to 32GB in capacity and flip-out USB connectivity.

As with most pocket camcorders, the Zi8 will provide the ability to upload directly to YouTube or Facebook.

Exactly how effective Kodak's image stabiliser proves to be remains to be seen, but we'll find out in September when the Zi8 hits stores with a price tag of around £150.

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Never had the urge for a compact but may wait on a few reviews looks are'nt everything but this does have an appealling look.