Microsoft Zune HD gets undercover video demonstration

by Parm Mann on 10 August 2009, 12:34

Tags: Zune HD, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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Although recent rumours have suggested that Microsoft's Zune HD will make its U.S. debut in under a month, the Redmond-based outfit has been reluctant to show off its next-gen handset.

Fortunately, everyone and anyone now seems to carry a camera of some form, and, at an event in San Francisco, somebody managed to capture Microsoft's Zune HD in action - showing off its lush interface and gorgeous OLED display.

The hardware demo was shown in a supposedly no-photography environment, but this here camera man opted to "shoot rather discretely with my Canon G9 pressed up against my chest to cover the LCD preview". Here's what Microsoft had to show:

It's clearly not the best quality recording we've ever seen, but Microsoft's decision to make use of NVIDIA's Tegra SoC looks to be a good one. The interface appears to be ultra smooth, and the quality of the image on the Zune HD's 3.3in OLED display looks impressive.

The Microsoft rep handling the device is also quizzed about the Zune HD's battery life. After praising NVIDIA's innards, the rep states "we're still benchmarking a bunch of battery stuff... so, we'll announce that soon, but it'll be better than any previous-generation devices".

Sounds promising, now if only they'd commit to a global launch.

HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments

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why do they not do a worldwide launch?

It looks like it could be a very good portable video player, the screen on the ipod touch is just too dang awful for my eyes.
It's also probably a good idea of what Windows 7 Mobile will be like :)
Looks very nice, and after seeing an OLED screen it makes LCD look aged.

I just hope drag and drop support is in there.
That looks very slick and nice. Not used a touch phone yet as need to use buttons but this might be my first venture into touch screen technology. I wonder if Creative have anything lined up like this. I prefer my Zune to anything apple have got.