As our reports from this week's 2006
International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) are
already demonstrating, there's set to be a battle royal
between the Blu-ray Disc and HD DVD camps over which of the two
forthcoming high-definition optical disc formats will prove most
If the two can't profitably co-exist and there is a losing
camp, those in it may end up being hard hit
financially. But, who comes out on top probably won't matter much to
the software firms that make programs for authoring, editing, burning
and playing high-def discs. They're almost certain to end up smelling
of roses since all seem to be taking a more realistic (and we think
commendable) stance than the main camp followers by offering solutions
for Blu-ray Disc and
for HD DVD.
Cyberlink, for instance, yesterday proudly announced that
its PowerDVD playback technology for HD DVD is being showcased in
conjunction with NEC and Toshiba. Today, it led with the right,
giving out news
that it is demonstrating a front-to-back consumer Blu-ray Disc solution
with HP that features playback with PowerDVD, plus video
editing and disc burning from another pair of apps
(PowerDirector and Power2Go) - and these two, you can be
sure, will also allow editing and burning with HD DVD.
It's a similar story with Nero. The company's "ultimate" all-in-one
digital media suite Nero
7 Ultra Edition is being demonstrated
on the HD DVD Promotion Group booth and showcased
on the Blu-ray Disc booth. And, of course, both options are being shown
on Nero's own stand.
Things are much the same with Ulead, one of the
best-established brands for consumer video editing and
DVD-authoring software. Over on the stand of its new parent company
InterVideo, Ulead is showing
what it describes as "real-time" straight-to-disc recording of high-def
video from HDV camcorders to Blu-ray. It's also concurrently
demonstrating how its software can do fancy disc authoring with HD
DVD and Blu-ray media.
However, the outfit which really looks like it's got it made is Sonic -
and not just because of its dual membership of the
Blu-ray Disc Association and the
DVD Forum. The company now has the Roxio brand for the
consumer retail market (where its own Sonic
brand features largely on
bundling deals with burners). It also virtually owns the
upmarket pro authoring side, be it software or full-on
hardware/software combinations that are used by the authoring houses
that serve the Hollywood studios in preparing block-busters
movies for mastering.
And Sonic now looks well place to own a big share
of the high-def pro-authoring market, too.
When it saw the size of the looming debacle over the two competing
high-def formats, it took some very positive action, founding two
conciliatory - rather than competing - industry groupings. One is the
Sonic HD Authoring Alliance - a
body that promotes collaboration between and with leading
authoring house worldwide. The other is the Sonic HDAA Advisory Group -
a collection of consumer electronic makers "committed to working with
authoring houses to make future formats a success". The two bodies seem
to have relied heavily on one another to push forward the
development of hi-def DVD, such that the launches of Blu-Ray Disc and
DVD would have been even further behind schedule than at present
without this mutual co-operation.
Sonic, sitting right in the middle, was able to claim as far
back at
the NAB 2005 show to have developed
the world’s first authoring systems for Blu-ray Disc
and for HD DVD. In autumn, at IBC 2005, it had moved
on by claiming to have produced the world’s first
advanced-content authoring system - the new hi-def formats offer far
more interactivity natively than does DVD Video - and the
world’s first advanced-content playback system.
At 2006 CES, some of the results of Sonic's claimed technology market
leadership are
starting to become visible, most notably Technicolor's
of the company's Scenarist HD DVD Edition and
Scenarist Blu-ray Edition high-definition authoring workstations for
the production of the "world's first advanced interactive
Blu-ray Disc and HD DVD titles" - titles that are being used around the
show to demonstrate the high level of interactivity possible with each
of the
new formats.
A little surprisingly, Sonic has made no announcement at CES
about support for the new hi-def disc formats being added to
its recently-launched
Roxio Easy Media Creator 8 Suite - nor does it look to have any
statement planned.
However, there can't be a company in the world better-placed
to know when such new capabilities will be required by consumers - or
to engineer them - so we've little doubt that they'll be
turning up in plenty of time to meet any demand that arises when
high-def burning
hardware does finally arrive in volume.
HEXUS.CES :: main page
Cyberlink :: HD DVD
Cyberlink :: Blu-ray Disc
InterVideo/Ulead :: Ulead HD DVD & Blu-Ray Disc
Nero :: Nero 7 background
Nero :: Nero HD DVD
Nero :: Nero Blu-ray Disc
Roxio :: Easy Media Creator 8 background
Sonic :: Scenarist adopted by Technicolor