T-Mobile bring unlimited web access to pay as you go

by Parm Mann on 7 December 2007, 11:49

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Web'n'walk's 5 day pass

Mobile internet access can be an expensive proposition for pay as you go users. If you're with T-Mobile however, there's a clever new solution now available.

Named after its monthly contract offering a similar service, the new option titled a "Web'n'Walk 5 day pass" provides pay as you go customers with unlimited web access via their device at a fee of £2.50 for 5 days. Doesn't take a mathematician to tell you that's just 50p per day, for unlimited web access. £10 a month could give you a whole 20 days of unlimited web browsing.

The details on the new service, taken from T-Mobile's website state:

  • Make sure you have at least £2.50 credit before you buy
  • Half price unlimited internet surfing on your phone (usually costs £1 a day)
  • We'll text you to confirm your web'n'walk 5 day pass has started
  • We'll text you on the fifth day to let you know your pass is about to finish
  • However much you surf your credit won't be eaten away

In order to purchase a 5 day pass, you simply call 879 from your T-Mobile handset or text WEB to 441. Head of Internet on the Move at T-Mobile, Richard Warmsley claims "The 5 Day Pass is not only a great price plan for the festive season, it's a great addition to the existing portfolio of Web'n'Walk price plans such as the £1 per day pass, as well as pay-monthly options and mobile internet access for your notebook computer".

It's a very welcome solution for mobile web access and as an Orange user myself, I can only hope Orange make an effort to keep up with T-Mobile's terrific Web'n'Walk options.

Source: T-Mobile pay as you go plans and options

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