Nokia's Morph concept phone is self-cleaning sexiness

by Parm Mann on 25 February 2008, 11:14

Tags: Nokia Mobile Phones, Nokia (NYSE:NOK)

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They'd use this kind of phone on the U.S.S. Enterprise

Apple's iPhone sure is pretty and Nokia's N96 sure packs a whole lot of functionality. But what if you really really want to show off to your mates?

Well, that's when you need a transparent phone that you can bend, twist and stretch as you see fit. Don't expect to buy one from your local Carphone Warehouse anytime soon, but Nokia hopes that nanotechnology will provide the foundations for such devices in the future.

Pictured below is Nokia's "Morph" concept phone and yes, all the images are in fact the same phone, it has just been twisted and turned into different shapes. Think high-tech super-cool Play-Doh.

Developed by Nokia's research centre in cooperation with Cambridge University, the concept uses nanotechnology-based materials which allow the device to be self-cleaning and transparent (yes, even on the inside) whilst retaining its flexible shape.

Put one of these on your 2050 Christmas wish-list. If you can't wait that long and need to see it sooner, the concept "Morph" is on display at New York's Museum of Modern Art.


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