iPhone PwnageTool now available for download

by Parm Mann on 3 April 2008, 10:39

Tags: iPhone, Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qamjo

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iPhone Pwned! Customers happy, Apple, not so much

Created by a group known as the iPhone Dev Team, the iPhone PwnageTool will allow iPhone users to literally 'Pwn' their device, allowing then the option to install a firmware of choice - complete with all the latest patches straight from Apple's iTunes.

The advantage? You'll be able to chop and change firmwares easily, flashing your device with just a few clicks - or touches, rather. By doing so, you'll be able to keep your iPhone unlocked and thus usable on a mobile network of your choice.

Currently, the PwnageTool is only available for Mac OS X, but a Windows version is expected as soon as within the next 24 hours.

During the few minutes since the release of PwnageTool, users have already complained about a lack of instruction on how to actually use the software. If you're having trouble, we'd recommend a quick visit to the iPhone Dev Team's Wiki - though, even that offers little in terms of a manual. Hold on, isn't this tool aimed at making the flashing process easier? Let us know how you get on with PwnageTool in the HEXUS forums.

Official website: iphone-dev.org

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