Cheap disposable mobile phones coming to Europe

by Parm Mann on 14 April 2008, 10:33

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At CTIA in Las Vegas, mobile phone manufacturer, Hop-on, demonstrated its concept disposable phone. The device, using a Texas Instruments chipset and operating in the 900/1800MHz band, offers no LCD screen and will cost a mere €13 (approximately £10).

The demonstration, it seems, went very well. Hop-on announced on Thursday that a European distributor has signed on to purchase 10,000 of these devices for retail.

Peter Michaels, president of Hop-on said:

"During our meetings with distributors in Vegas the response to our simple, inexpensive, $20 phone (Eur13) was phenomenal. The initial test purchase order with multiple purchase orders behind it is a big step in introducing Hop-on to Europe."

Granted, the phone is dirt cheap and disposable - great for those wanting to stay anonymous or untraced. However, Motorola's F3 is readily available from for just £17.99, and it has a screen so you'll even know who's calling. The Hop-on is cheap, but it may only go as far as to prove the old adage; you get what you pay for.

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As the article said you could instead have the Motorola F3 unlocked for £15.49 (Pixmania)

or save more again by getting it on Orange for £8.99 (

Virgin for £4.95 (dial-a-phone)

or *ahem* Tesco Mobile for £14.97

Think Hop-On is a bit slow on this one…
Why on earth would you want to have a “disposable” mobile phone?? More importantly, how can you justify something as frivilous as this when we're already facing increasing pressure to cut down our wasteful behaviour.
Read more.

£10 for that piece of crap? I can get a colour phone that's usable more than once for £10
It's a bargain, for someone without a brain ;)
I wouldn't buy one of these phones as they don't seem especially useful unless you are a kidnapper or terrorist. I'm neither atm, but if I ever consider a career change then I'll remember to grab one of these :mrgreen: