Skype launches unlimited international calling plan

by Parm Mann on 22 April 2008, 10:38

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Skype's new subscription package, Unlimited World, priced at £6.95 per month, offers its UK users unlimited calls to land-line phones in 34 countries.

It marks the first subscription in which Skype has offered a single, monthly flat rate for international calling. However, it should be noted that Skype's definition of unlimited is in fact 10,000 minutes, but, we can't see many users topping that.

Stefan Oberg, vice president and general manger of telecoms at Skype said:

"This move is a natural step for Skype. Skype was founded on the principle of making free voice and video calls available to people all around the world. And now we’re making it even easier for the Skype community to call their friends and family who are not yet on Skype. Our subscriptions give people an easy, hassle-free choice for how and when they want to catch up with their loved ones."

The new international call package is the third package available to Skype's UK customers. Skype's Unlimited Country package provides unlimited UK land-line calls for just £1.95 per month and its Unlimited Europe provides unlimited European land-line calls for only £2.95.

Unlimited World includes calls to most of Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, China, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, Korea and Malaysia.

Official product page:

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