O2: iPhone no longer available

by Parm Mann on 8 May 2008, 09:56

Tags: iPhone, Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL)

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Thinking of buying an iPhone? Well, head over to the O2 website today and you'll be presented with this rather depressing image:

So, what does it mean? Has O2 decided to cut the iPhone from its roster of handsets completely? We think not.

We're of the belief that recent price cuts have shifted all of O2's iPhone stock, paving the way for the forthcoming 3G model. We don't yet know a release date for the 3G-capable "iPhone 2", but if this is anything to go by, it must be real, real soon.

HEXUS Forums :: 11 Comments

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Great. Maybe we can finally get a product that the iphone was meant to be the first time around.
So whats everyones speculation then?

Cheaper device? Same price but generally better specification?

16GB and 32GB models?

Or just the same devices with a new case and 3G and GPS radios (like has been rumured for ages now)
Same spec + 3g and GPS - same price as before. Only 16 and 32gb models - unless they are getting 32 and 64gb models.
64GB is too much of a jump in my opinion. I don't think we will see them until they start to completely do away with hard drive based iPods.
It is going to be the 3G one - I hope they do make other changes it's always cool to see refreshes