British Telecom faces up to its Gremlins

by Parm Mann on 9 May 2008, 10:00

Tags: British Telecom (LON:BT.A)

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We're not entirely sure what BT has been feeding its Mogwai after midnight, but the telecoms provider has Gremlins running rampant in its latest advertisement. The message? Use BT Business or the gremlins in your machine will wreak havoc, get it?

BT is no stranger to featuring movie-made creatures in its advertising campaigns. Our favourite extra terrestrial, E.T., had previously featured in BT's phone home campaign.

Though we won't comment on BT's support, we like the Gremlins’ advertisement, and one thing it has done is posed the question: should there be a Gremlins 3 movie? We're sure someone, somewhere, is pencilling a script right now.

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unicode failure. your ‘ character is unicode, but the content-type for this page (the forums template) specifies iso8859-1

you need to pick one and stick with it
What directhex said but I would have said -

Your quote seems to have weird characters in it!

He's smarter than me :D
This is happening more and more, especially with the Channel content (even though this one isn't)