Is the Apple iPhone 3G cracking up?

by Parm Mann on 30 July 2008, 10:01

Tags: iPhone 3G, Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL)

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It's a little bit early to put this one down as a widespread problem, but various iPhone 3G owners are reporting that cracks are beginning to appear in the plastic shell of their new handheld.

The problem appears to be more common on white iPhone 3G models, where the tiny cracks are clearly visible.

Over at the official Apple discussion forums, a thread highlighting the problem was created earlier today and various users have reported similar issues. Many have suggested that the iPhone 3G's plastic housing leaves a lot to be desired and is easily cracked.

Have you experienced any cracking issues with your iPhone 3G? Let us know in the forums.

Source: Apple Discussion forums

HEXUS Forums :: 6 Comments

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Hmmm…Apple using dodgy casings that crack? Not like THAT'S ever happened before… :P
They should release a rubber mat finish version for easy grip. It might be able to take a couple of knocks too.
And i just got an iphone today too.. bah :(
It's probably just a storm in a teacup, this 3G version's been unbelievably more successful than the other hasn't it, so there'll be enough detractors whipping up a frenzy over an isolate incident
The 3G version has sold boat loads since release, far more than the original.

However, the 3G has been relaeased in pretty much all markets at the same time, there hasn't been a staggered release like there was with the 2G.