Nokia N96 launching October 1st

by Parm Mann on 31 July 2008, 12:10

Tags: Nokia N96, Nokia (NYSE:NOK)

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Nokia has officially announced that its N96 handset will be launching in the UK on October 1st and will be available via 3, T-Mobile, Phones 4U, Carphone Warehouse, Orange and Vodafone.

Hype had been steadily building for Nokia's forthcoming flagship handset, but then Apple launched the iPhone 3G and many forgot that other handsets do still exist.

Now that the iPhone 3G is out the way (and showing a few cracks), it's the perfect opportunity for Nokia to put its new daddy in the Nseries range back in the spotlight.

The handset, pictured above, packs 16GiB of built-in memory (8GiB more than the N95) and a DVB-H tuner for digital TV. The new design gives a sleeker appearance, but the feature-set may not prove to be the significant upgrade many customers are hoping for.

Eagle-eyed readers will have noticed that Nokia hasn't announced availability of the N96 from the UK's exclusive iPhone operator; O2. It could just mean that O2 has its hands full with soaring iPhone sales, on the other hand, it could be a sign of O2's iPhone favouritism not going down well with Nokia.

Related reading: Nokia N96: the new daddy in the Nseries range

HEXUS Forums :: 5 Comments

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balls… looks like i wont be upgrading my N73 to a N96 then eh o2… maybe things will have changed come December, fingers crossed :)
My N95 is a superb phone and meets my needs.
The iPhone is also a superb phone but does not do what I want.
If the N96 meets my needs and doesn't appear on O2 one of the companies will have lost a loyal customer of 10 years+.
Sadly I think it'll be Nokia loosing out as T-Mobile and Vodaphone have annoyed me once too often and I wouldn't go near Orange or 3 customer service with a bargepole!
Great, been looking forward to this phone for ages, shame it doesn't have a 8mp camera. At the moment im been leaning towards this but the c905 also looks great.
phone looks great, i've got the n95 atm best phone i've had so far, i always stick to nokia's
Great, been looking forward to this phone for ages, shame it doesn't have a 8mp camera. At the moment im been leaning towards this but the c905 also looks great.
Why do you want an 8mp sensor in something that size?

The optics and image processing aren't going to be a patch on a regular camera so increasing from 5mp to 8mp isn't going to increase the quality. In fact you could easily see a reduction is quality. Squeezing the extra pixels into the sensor means eax photosite is smaller, this means less light hitting each site. Less light means you need to amplify the signal more so you get more noise in the image. To remove the noise you need more image processing reducing sharpness and definition. So you could easily end up with a lower qualty image and larger files.

Completely pointless in my opinion. Different if they were to use compact camera sensors and real lenses, but even then, don't get sucked into the Megapixel Myth.