O2 to launch Pay & Go iPhone 3G on September 16th

by Parm Mann on 1 September 2008, 16:49

Tags: iPhone 3G, Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL)

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It turns out the Pay & Go iPhone 3G isn't delayed until Christmas after all. In fact, it'll be available from O2 as soon as September 16th.

In just over two weeks, the UK-exclusive iPhone operator will be offering Apple's hot-selling handset without the monthly contract.

As expected, the Pay & Go option will come at a cost, with the new 8GB and existing 16GB models priced at £349.99 and £399.99, respectively. However, O2 has surprised many by announcing that all Pay & Go handsets will offer unlimited browsing and Wi-Fi for the first 12 months after activation.

Following the first 12 months, users can continue to receive unlimited browsing at a cost of £10 per month. If you're not prone to making calls or sending text messages, this web-capable deal could sound highly tempting.

The Pay & Go handset will be available to buy from September 16th in O2 stores, The Carphone Warehouse and Apple stores.

Source: O2.co.uk

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suprised most people you mean? ;)