BBC iPlayer to feature on Nokia N96

by Parm Mann on 8 September 2008, 10:56

Tags: Nokia N96, Nokia (NYSE:NOK)

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A few weeks back, Nokia announced that its N96 handset will be launching in the UK on October 1st and will be available via 3, T-Mobile, Phones 4U, Carphone Warehouse, Orange and Vodafone.

What it didn't tell us, however, is that its flagship mobile phone will launch with a dedicated BBC iPlayer application allowing for viewers to stream or download content. Unlike Apple's iPhone - which only supports iPlayer via Wi-Fi - N96 owners will be able to download their favourite shows by using 3G, too.

Nokia's partnership with the BBC could prove to be a huge selling point, but mobile operators are yet to provide details of N96 tariffs. If the mobile iPlayer application is to be a success, the N96 will require large data plans at a cost low enough to entice customers.

That built-in stand will make for a nice desktop iPlayer viewer and Simon Ainslie, managing director at Nokia, said:

The Nokia N96 is going to provide a gateway to quality viewing on the move and will raise the bar for mobile screen and audio entertainment. The enormous success of iPlayer has demonstrated the desire audiences have for accessing programmes at a time and a place that suits them.

Related reading: Nokia N96 launching October 1st

HEXUS Forums :: 2 Comments

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At last! A mass-market, easy-to-use product which will finally prove, once and for all, that TV on the move is a stupid, stupid idea which sounds great in theory but which utterly sucks in practice. I predict that it will be as big a success as video phone calls.
I would def use it.