We want better batteries

by Steve Kerrison on 21 September 2005, 00:00

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Long battery life is one of the most sought after features of mobile devices, according to a global survey.

Owners won't do as much with their mobile devices if they know it's going to take a chunk out of the operating time. People want new, powerful features, but they don't want to be looking for the nearest power outlet all the time.

The survey, conducted by TNS Technology, spanned some 15 countries, in which the majority of those surveyed said battery life was the most important feature. There were a few exceptions, with the Chinese preferring hefty storage capabilities above all else. High resolution cameras were also high on the wish-lists of many.

Despite all of the 'I wants' discovered during the survey, it remains to be seen whether a single device that can call people, take photos, play MP3s, make videos, download music, etc, will be the way forward in mobile technology, or whether we should stick to more specialised devices.

The BBC has a story detailing further findings of the survey.

HEXUS Forums :: 3 Comments

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What I'd really like to see is a new smaller battery standard. If you need more battery life, just take a spare battery. You could make them rechargeable or just single-use, so that you can always get fresh new batteries from a store. and since it's standard, you don't have to worry about manufacturers still producing the model you need when your battery dies (Li-ion batteries have about 3-4 year lifespan anyway).

The AAA format is getting a bit cumbersome for very small gadgets such as mobiles or mp3 players.There are rectangular batteries for flat portable cd players, but this format does not seem to be very popular.
Creative has some mp3 players with user accessible battery, but it's proprietary. Most of the devices with batteries are using 3.7V Li-ion ou Li-Polymer batteries. It shouldn't be this hard to define a proper standard for them.
But with only proprietary soldered batteries and tens of new devices released every month, it looks as if all these battery powered devices are disposable, with a “Best Before 4 years”, starting when it is manufactured.
Emerging technology is looking a fuel cells powered by methanol - just top up the tank on your mobile or laptop! http://www.eet.com/news/latest/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=170704464
Yeh the fuel cell standard will be the way forward for any kind of long term charge. One particular ocmpany has made an interchangable fuel cell adapter (pressurised at 30PSI) where if you run out of charge, you can change the cell over while the camera is still running.

Aside from obvious dimensional problems in regards to carting around 2/3 grenade sized cells with an adapter, theres little to stop laptops from getting this new technology to work. :)