Watch ads on your phone, get free airtime

by Steve Kerrison on 30 May 2006, 10:18

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Virgin Mobile USA is introducing a new way for punters to get talk time: adverts on their phone.

Virgin Mobile, seemingly popular among the strapped-for-cash young'uns, is offering people free calls if they view and respond to adverts sent to their mobile phone. According to Reuters, users "can get up to 75 minutes of free calls per month if they spend an equal amount of time looking at ads and replying to these ads via text messages."

This isn't the first time advertising on mobiles has been tried. We've seen text message ads for a long time, and other vectors have been tried, like bluetooth enabled billboards. This seems to be the first time advertising has been tied directly to obtaining free calls, however.

The scheme does have a striking resemblance to online free SMS services which require that you bend over backwards clicking adverts x, y and z before being able to send a message. In fact, some question whether people will bother with the ads, instead opting to pay for their calls. We say don't underestimate the tight wallets of youngsters; if they can do it for free, they'll do it.


More on this, from Reuters.

HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments

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This isn't really new. O2 have given out free downloads etc. if you sign up to recieve adverts for a while now.

Hope they didn't mind me signing up one sim card for the adverts, downloading stuff to the phone then changing simcards… :p
This isn't really new. O2 have given out free downloads etc. if you sign up to recieve adverts for a while now.

Hope they didn't mind me signing up one sim card for the adverts, downloading stuff to the phone then changing simcards… :p

I had something similar to this offered to me in september at uni, I didn't try it, but my friend did, he put the sim card in a spare phone, turned it on every now and again, got a load of spam txt's and got £10 credit which he used. Not suree if im liking the idea of advertsiing coming on to your mobile, gets on my nerves how 3 do it with MMS, although I have now stopped those.

Im sure one day everything will be covered in advertising :confused:
this is kinda similar to how the gizmondo's pricing works, you can either buy it for like £100 with adds or £400 without adds….

is there such a thing as a text spam filter