Largest SatNav screen ever?

by James Smith on 11 December 2006, 15:22

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In true Pimp My RideTM style, Mio was demonstrating one of its DigiWalker SatNav devices by shoving a mid-sized LCD screen into the back of an MPV and outputting the SatNav device's video output to it.

Mio had one of the larger stands at the show, situated in Hall 3, with a number of other significantly large companies, including the mighty Nokia.

Mio also had some of its more portable-sized devices such as this c310, which at a price of 11800 NT (approx. £186) with what looks like a couple of walkie-talkies thrown in, is not as good value as it first seems when you can pick one up from eBay in the U.S. for approximately £152.

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