iPhone unlock service goes live, cat & mouse begins

by Steve Kerrison on 10 September 2007, 16:06

Tags: iPhone, Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qajsy

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iPhoneSimFree.com has begun selling its iPhone unlocking software through various distributors. Users can now make their iPhone network eclectic in just a few minutes... for a fee.

$100 gets you the unlocking software, which is chicken feed if you were silly enough to pay $600 for the phone in the first place. Of course, even not-so-early-adopters will be spending a total of $500 on iPhone + unlocking software.

And now the cat & mouse game begins. Here's how it'll roll.

Apple's legal eagles will swoop on iPhoneSimFree, accusing the company of committing the most heinous crimes that is letting people do what they want with something they own.

iPhoneSimFree will either win or lose (simple, when put like that, isn't it!). If they lose, somebody else will pop up with the same/similar solution.

But even if the legal eagles don't get their claws in, Apple's developers will roll out firmware update after firmware update to nullify the unlocking software, and the subsequent counter-attacks.

With exclusive contracts and lots of revenue to play for in Europe, Apple will most definitely not let this one slide.

But the crap will really hit the fan when somebody starts distributing a free version of an unlocking tool.

Better still, brace yourselves for the first iPhone virus, which will pose as unlocking software.

If it gets any more exciting we might have to start caring.

HEXUS Forums :: 11 Comments

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Pretty expensive - and no doubt it will be cracked and free soon…..
No doubt that iphone unlock is going to spread worldwide just like every other phone. To me, it's not big news and I can't see Apple going about to shut it all down.
Hate to say it but.. P2P??
The thing is how are apple going to force people to use the latest firmware? I mean with game consoles it's easy enough but I just can't see a feasible way to do it on a phone that won't course an uproar. Add to it the p2p aspect, as whitenoise pointed out, and mobile providers look pretty screwed.
Simple - if you want to Sync you have to use iTunes… they can simply lock it out I suspect….