Review: Aigo MP-P750

by David Ross on 26 December 2004, 00:00

Tags: aigo

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Aigo MP-P750

Although the MP-P750 isn't the smallest mp3 player you're every likely to see, it is more than compact and light enough to be highly portable. To give an idea of its size, you can see how it fits easily in my hand.

Click for a larger image

The player is in fact available in three different colours - Black (as seen in this review), red and white. They all look pretty decent to me - The black would be my own personal choice, but each to his own.

Click for a larger image

When encased in its leather sleeve, all of the buttons required to operate the player are still available to you, so that it can be used in this state. We can also see here most of the major controls of the device - The plus and minus keys control volume, then you have a play/pause button and two buttons to skip forward or back a track, as well as fast forward or rewind when held down. The top left button will bring up the main menu screen at any time, and the scroll wheel (which also doubles up as a push button) can be used to select items from menus or bring up menus pertaining to the facility you are currently using. As I mentioned earlier, it takes a little while to familiarise yourself with the various options and buttons, and what to use where, but with a little use it soon becomes almost second nature.

Click for a larger image

At the top end of the player, you'll find the various inputs for the device. From left to right, these constitute the headphone socket (No dedicated line-out on the player - No real disaster but it would have made a nice addition), line-in socket, USB 2.0 connector and power input for recharging the device. Towards the top left corner of the player you can also see the slide switch which is used to lock the players keypad, to stop the device being accidentally turned on when in a coat pocket or bag. The bottom of the player features the SD/MMC card slot.