Software and Battery Life
As mentioned earlier, the MP-P750 comes with its own software, in the form of 'Music Playlist Editor'. You can see the main view you will find when using the software below.You can add music to the player by selecting 'Add Music to Player' from the Edit menu. This then allows you to browse and select media files to add to the Jukebox. Unfortunately, you cannot simply select a set of folders to add, you need to individually enter each sub-folder and add the files within it - This can quickly become a nightmare for anyone with a large, well-organised mp3 collection, as it means taking hours moving through folder after folder selecting files. After selecting files and hitting OK, they are automatically copied to the device.
Once that is done, you then need to select the files you wish to make into a playlist, add them to a playlist and then name and save said playlist onto the player. Again, this is simplicity itself with regards to using the software, but quickly becomes a mind numbing task as you try to create individual playlists for hundreds of albums to fill your 20Gb player. If only it supporting existing playlists like those created in WinAmp, and allowed for the copying of folders without individually selecting all the files within them, the process would have been far less painful.
The Playlist Editor also contains functionality to upgrade your players firmware, and rebuild its Operating System and music database in case of any problems. It's nice to see such functionality included and made so simple, and thus avoiding the panic of accidentally wiping something you shouldn't have on the device and not knowing how to get it back up and running.
So, good points and bad on the software side, but rest assured you will need the patience of a saint to fill the device in a cogent, organised way using the jukebox - Most likely, you'll end up doing as I did and simply drag-and-dropping the files then using the player's file manager for playback.
Battery Life
While Aigo claims eight hours of battery life for the player, from my personal experience I found it to be somewhat less than this (Although not by a great deal, more like seven and a quarter by my estimate). However, this is offset by the speed at which the device charges, and the fact that it can be done from the USB 2.0 connection is a real boon - A couple of hours, and you are soon back up and running at full power.