E3 2005: Ubisoft's line-up

by Nick Haywood on 6 May 2005, 00:00

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Myst V and King Kong

Myst V: End of Ages
Picking up immediately where the original Myst ended, players are presented the privilege, challenge and responsibility of restoring the lost empire of the D'ni – an ancient civilisation of people who thrived for thousands of years but later met with a great catastrophe.

Like each previous Myst title, Myst V: End of Ages advances the graphical beauty and detail of its worlds with a fully immersive 3D environment. It does look good, and my Mum loves it, so that’s probably why they made it to number five in the series… Carefully crafted elements of adventure, puzzles and storyline will hopefully bring the series to an end on a high.

Peter Jackson’s King Kong
Triple Academy Award winner Peter Jackson, the genius who brought us The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy brings his cinematic genius to the classic story of the gigantic ape-monster captured in the wilds and brought to civilization where he meets his tragic fate. Jackson has assumed directing, producing and co-screenwriting duties and surrounded himself with a list of superlative filmmaking and acting talents.

Working very closely with Peter Jackson and Wingnut Films, Ubisoft's Beyond Good & Evil development team, based in Montpellier and Montreal studio are creating a game that will reflect the visual interpretation, character dynamics and dramatic narrative of Jackson's epic film.

The game will be available worldwide on all platforms in conjunction with the 14th December, 2005 theatrical release of the movie.