E3 2005: Activison Line-up

by Nick Haywood on 17 May 2005, 00:00

Tags: Activision (NASDAQ:ATVI)

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E3 2005: Activision Line-up

E3 2005: Activision Line-up

Activision’s line-up for E3 this year has to be one of the strongest of any publisher with some big names making a showing.. for example, we’ve got Call of Duty 2, Quake 4 and even Lionhead’s latest effort, The Movies.. and that without mentioning Spider-Man, Fantastic 4, X-Men, Shrek, new installments of Tony Hawk… so there’s plenty on the way from these guys.

Let’s have a closer look and see what they’re up to.

Call of Duty 2
The sequel to the 2003 "Game of the Year," Call of Duty 2 delivers an unparalleled portrayal of the chaos and cinematic intensity of World War II through stunningly detailed graphics, advanced AI, realistic character animations and explosive on-screen action - all powered by Infinity Ward's brand new proprietary engine.

Call of Duty 2 lets players experience four individual soldier stories as they overcome insurmountable odds in multiple campaigns. Players have the freedom to follow each of the four storylines through for the ultimate character-driven experience, or they can engage in the historic battles chronologically for quick hitting action.

Call of Duty 2's new engine and A.I. technology set the stage for authentic squad combat and astonishing action. Concealment can be key as battlefield smoke or even deployed smoke grenades cloud visibility. Weather effects such as the dusty sandstorms of North Africa and whiteout blizzard conditions of Russia, for example, will keep soldiers glued to their bunkers. The team has also employed a state-of-the-art Battle Chatter System that brings the action to life as squad-mates bark out context-sensitive updates in real-time to players through an advanced A.I. system.

Call of Duty 2 is slated for an Autumn 2005 release.

Call of Duty2: Big Red One
Building on the Call of Duty brand's signature epic, cinematic intensity of war, Call of Duty 2: Big Red One unites players in the chaos of battle fighting as part of a squad in the legendary and decorated "Big Red One," the American 1st Infantry Division.