The 10 Best Video Games of 2010

by Steven Williamson on 29 December 2010, 12:35

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Fifth and sixth placings

6. Fallout New Vegas
There's so much to do and so much to think about in New Vegas. While combat-focused main missions and side objectives provide the main bulk of campaign, leveling up and moulding your character to your particular play-style is always at the forefront of your mind. And then there's looting, crafting, trading, NPC dialogue and your reputation to think about. There are so many factors in play that affect the outcome of things in New Vegas that the playability and replay value is immense."

HEXUS score - 87%

Read the HEXUS.gaming Fallout New Vegas Review - here

5. Halo Reach
The arrival of Halo Reach has been a sad moment for many Halo fans, as it marks the end of the Halo series, at least in its currnet form. But it's also a time to celebrate because Bungie has done a incredible job. It’s taken everything that it's learned from past games, tweaked things here and there, and added some significant features to make Halo Reach a fitting tribute to one of the best shooters on the planet. There's nowhere that Bungie could have gone from here anyway. This is the best Halo game you'll ever play.

HEXUS score - 97%

Read the HEXUS.gaming Halo Reach Review - here

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