Stirling Services Aircraft Assault

by Nick Haywood on 16 December 2005, 10:02

Tags: FPS

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From debacles come great things... we hope

So our first assault was, in the words of John Mac, a bit poor. Well, those weren’t the words he used but this isn’t an X-rated site… Needless to say our first assault had been a real eye-opener. Though the Stirling Services guys had spent all morning drilling us and pounding into us how we had to work as a team and trust everyone, we did exactly the opposite the minute we got inside the plane. We lacked an overall plan of what to do and when to do beyond getting inside… we didn’t have a back up plan, beyond knowing which order were going into the plane we didn’t know who was supposed to what and we got thoroughly trounced… time for take two.

We decided to go again with the teams in the same positions, working on the basis of repeating the procedure would make us better at it. We snuck up to the plane again and got ourselves in position to then get the go and find the terrorists weren’t playing fair! The sneaky buggers had gone and jammed the door locks, so we couldn’t get in! We dropped off the ladders and made it onto the wing, piling in behind the last man on the wing team to be met with the usual chaos inside… Do it again…

Click to download the Aircraft Assault Video

Our next assault was again through the rear door for my team, but this time we’d have a team going in through the front on the Landrover, something we hadn’t been allowed up until then. I guess this was because having seen our complete ineptitude during the training, the Stirling Services guys thought better of letting us handle guns AND a vehicle at the same time… Having laughed myself stupid watching people getting stuck in doorways and falling over their own feet all day, I was inclined to agree.

If in doubt, shoot everything, including the camera man!

So we wait on our now familiar ladder, ready to get the go over the radio and pile in. We hear a few bangs go off, but stay in the ready position waiting for the signal… Suddenly there’s a yell from the bottom of the ladder… We’ve missed the go signal and everyone else is inside! But that was actually lucky as the terrorists have decided to leg it out the back of the plane down the rear steps! We slide down the ladder and as a team we start firing at the fleeing terrorists.

Running forward, I drop to one knee and aim at a terrorist shooting past me at one of my team. I hit him twice and turn to see another hiding behind a blue Renault Megane… Having just peppered a soft top BMW with rounds I have no worried about liberally unloading on the bad guy, pinging rounds of the Megane’s wing and windscreen. One of my team joins me and soon the air is filled with flying pellets but quantity is no match for accuracy and when we both run dry of ammo the terrorist pops up and neatly shoots me in the head… and despite my best efforts, neither Megane, BMW or terrorist are harmed…

The classic 'I know what I'm doing' pose... it takes literally..erm...minutes to get this good!