Interview with Running With Scissors CEO Vince Desi

by Steven Williamson on 24 January 2006, 10:10

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Vince on American society

Firstly, if you are under 18 please head back to the main site, this interview contains strong language from the outset.

Vince Desi, CEO of Running With Scissors(RWS), developers of the controversial POSTAL series, took time out of his busy schedule to put his feet up and head into the HEXUS lounge for some no holds barred chat.

The Postal titles have caused controversy across the globe. Recently a Moscow man who went on a killing spree in a synagogue was said to be a keen fan of the game. Despite numerous setbacks Vince and the RWS team continue to stand by their violent games.

On August 20, 1986, 14 employees were shot dead and six wounded at the Edmond, Oklahoma, Post Office. The culprit was postman Patrick Sherrill, who then committed suicide with a shot to the forehead. Between 1986 and 1997, more than 40 people were killed in more than 20 incidents.

These events were no doubt an inspiration for the POSTAL series and coined the phrase 'Going Postal', meaning going beserk. The first game appeared on PC in 1997 and suffered fierce critisism and even a lawsuit, which incidently was thrown out of court. The game had a high level of violence aimed at unarmed civilians.

Postal 2 took the form of a first person shooter and was based on the Unreal graphics Engine.The game allows free-roaming and takes the form of a multitude of tasks such as delivering items and confessing your sins. You play the part of 'Postal Dude' who goes about his business around the neighbourhood completing these tasks.The twist is that you can 'Go Postal' during the game - run beserk with anthrax filled cows heads as weapons and smoke crack pipes to regain health.

Despite numerous groups breaking their backs to ban the game, Postal 2 has been extremely successful and sticks two fingers up at the censors. The games were banned in New Zealand and Australia and it's only this month that gamers are legally allowed to purchase the titles in these countries. The POSTAL series have a cult following world-wide, Gary Coleman from Different Strokes even plays a cameo role in the game!

Vince seems like a thoroughly decent chap who firmly stands by his right of freedom of speech and expression. Personally I'm a firm believer in freedom of choice, the game has an 18 certificate and people should be responsible for their own actions - not blame it on the a TV show, movie or game. We're thrilled that Vince took time out to speak with us and we look forward to the next installment, POSTAL 3. Here is the full-unedited version of the interview.

HEXUS: Would we be right in guessing that, as a contrast to all the controversial day job stuff, you had a really traditional Christmas?
Vince: What a great fuckin question. Santa wife didn’t blow me this year, what a friggin bummer. Thanks for asking.

HEXUS:What can we expect from the latest installment of Postal?
Vince:I’m in the shitter, thinking real hard. One thing I can tell you for sure, we have no rules, nothing, pure spill your guts stuff

HEXUS:Can you tell us anything that is not already known about Postal 3?
Vince:POSTAL is new to me, I don’t even know what we’re doing really, so sorry I cant really say. Heres what I know, we are feverishly doing our insane best to make it solidly cool, might be different for many, but we think we need to dig deeper, to cut further to the truth.

HEXUS:What's the best part of working with the Running with Scissors team?
Vince: Getting interviewed by fans like you!.. Absolutely the best fuckin gig.

HEXUS:Postal and Postal 2 have sold extremely well. Are we really, in your opinion, buying them because
a) We all want to touch up our skills so we can go out and debrain the nearest copper
Vince: No, I was hoping more because you wanted to hear the girls cry.

HEXUS:b) We want a safe output for the dark thoughts our ancestry as cave-dwelling killers bred us ("darkness of man's heart" - Golding).
Vince: The TRUTH bares no heart, surely no soul, it has no Time for anything , that’s why it is the Truth. Dark is not a problem for the honestly blind, only for those who claim to see the light!

HEXUS:c) We want to enjoy a great gaming experience
Vince: THANK YOU, now you got it!

HEXUS:d) We're idiots and should all back to Pong and Tetris instead?
Vince: My first video game was PONG, its better than most games today. I smoked too much pot to figure out Tetris.

HEXUS:Do you search out controversy with what you do, or does it simply follow?
Vince: No, actually I wish it would go away. I’m glad that we are seen as different but could you imagine if people had a clue? I’m glad you and your audience appreciates what we do, and to those that don’t – I respect that, but you gottal admit, its cool that this site is tryin there best to be real.

HEXUS:Will you be disappointed if you release Postal 3 and not even a single mid-level government secretary kicks up a fuss?
Vince: I’d shoot my biggest load, that would be FUCKIN FANTASTIC!

HEXUS:Is no publicity really the only bad publicity?
Vince: I don’t really think about publicity.

HEXUS:Why does America have some of the worst levels of gun crime in any reasonably developed nation, and other such rather negative statistics, yet point to its "societal morals and standards" when people try to experiment with their artistic creativity?
Vince: I have no idea I’m not a social scientist, but my gut tells me it has something to do with lifestyle, stress, education and a total neglect for individual responsibility.

HEXUS:Were you ever attacked by a member of the public sector as a child?
Vince: I got mugged when I was a kid, but fought back and didn’t give up my money.