Tango down!
It’s dark. I flip on my thermal vision and proceed up the stairs, taking up a position covering the angle around the corner as Mike goes past in a crouch to the next corner. I move off again, creeping up to the closed door at the end of the corridor. I sneak a peek through the window into the room beyond and see one terrorist armed with an AK47… he’s alert and patrolling one section of the room beyond.I see another doorway on the other side of the room and indicate to Mike that there’s a second entrance. Mike moves up to take position next to me and I get ready to move off to the other doorway. Using his snake camera, Mike sneaks a look under the door, tagging the tango I had already spotted. I wait for his signal and, when the tango’s back is turned, rush past the window, heading for the next door.
I clear my arcs, checking for possible hidden firing positions before approaching the door and slinging my MP9 behind my back on its bungee cord. I pull out my snake cam and slide the thin tip under the door, then flick on the display. Good thing we decided to check the second door. There’s two more tangos and three hostages at this end of the room… hidden from the first doorway by banks of computers.

I tag a second tango, the one walking back and forth, so his position will show up on Mike’s display, then pull the snake cam back in. The third tango is stationary by the hostages... he’ll be my main target. Mike elects for a flashbang entry from both doors at the same time. It’ll divert the tangoes’ attention from just one doorway and whilst the flashbang will temporarily blind and deafen everyone in the room, it won’t cause any lasting damage… and should give us the time we need to make our entry and neutralise the three tangos.
Mike gives me the countdown and I ready myself outside the door: weapon up in the shoulder, a full mag loaded, my left hand on the door handle ready to enter as the tangoes are distracted by what’s happening at the other end of the room. Mike’s countdown finishes, I hear the door crash open, the dull ‘thwump’ of the flashbang and I’m in and immediately firing at the tango guarding the hostages…